The advent of the digital age has completely transformed communication as we know it. Electronic writing seems to be beginning to dispense with correct grammar and spelling as a consequence – among other reasons – of the dizzying speed and immediacy with which information flows. A mechanographic simplification of language accompanied by recognisable icons wandering among mutilated sentences. Feelings of approval, surprise, concern, joy or sadness expressed in a generic way through 12 x 12 pixel elements at the click of a button.

Without venturing to assess whether this new implementation of uncertain evolution will be capable of enriching or destroying the culture of language, we can categorically state that such graphic simplification is far from faithfully reproducing territories as complex as the emotions or sensitivity of the human being.

But the danger of this new symbology does not lie in the formal approximation of feelings but in the truthfulness with which we show them to society. States of mind hidden under masks of winks and smiles that float in a utopian and virtual paradise. CODE FACES reproduces such systematically typed expressions that dance, reproduce and die in a dark universe, devoid of emotion and content.

CODE FACES, how are you NOT feeling today?
