Paseando por Matelec Lighting 2018:

Siempre es positivo acudir a eventos donde nutrirse de los nuevos avances en iluminaci贸n. Lo cierto es que salvo contados descubrimientos, en la visita a Matelec Lighting 2018 he echado en falta un nuevo grado de innovaci贸n, de nuevos dise帽os de luminarias y nuevas experiencias y posibilidades que ofrecer en la experiencia del usuario en cuanto a iluminaci贸n se refiere.

Tenemos que ser capaces de reinventarnos cada d铆a, capaces de sorprender a trav茅s de la luz.

Walking through Matelec Lighting 2018:

It is always positive to attend events where you can take advantage of the new advances in lighting. The truth is that except for a few discoveries, in the visit to Matelec Lighting 2018 I have missed a new degree of innovation, new lighting designs and new experiences and possibilities to offer in the user experience in terms of lighting.

We have to be able to reinvent ourselves every day, capable of surprising through light.

All about Metelec Lighting 2018